Let’s Chat: Readers, What Can We Do For You?

afternoon-coffee-books-to-read-13966472-500-3331Today’s “Let’s Chat” post is a quickie. Every time I talk with my fellow authors, I hear the same questions.

  • How can we engage with readers?
  • How can I get more visitors to my blogs?
  • Why don’t readers leave comments?
  • How can I find new readers?

OK, all legitimate questions. As a blogger, I can look at the blog stats and see that visitors are stopping by ABC Author Book Chat, yet there are sometimes few, if any, comments on various posts.  It leaves me wondering if you — today’s romance readers — are weary of making the blog circuits, tired of reading excerpts, and overwhelmed by the barrage of new releases, special promotions, and prize giveaways.

Obviously, we — today’s romance authors — have failed to reach you in a meaningful way. Somehow, we’re not making connections.

Readers, what can we do for you? More stories? Better-quality stories? Fewer promotions? More social interaction? How can we make your reading experience more enjoyable for you?

Please take a moment to leave a short comment. Let us know what’s on your mind.



 Let’s chat!